Blog Post

25 May 2021

Opening Doors to Celebrate Together

Since the easing of UK Government restrictions allowing indoor contact visits, and most recently each resident in a care home setting to have up to five regular visitors, Palm Court have been able to bring families together for lots of celebrations. 
The 15th May was the United Nations International Day of Families and we invited relatives over for lunch to join in the celebrations with a bit of one-on-one time with their loved ones with some sandwiches and cake!  
We were also able to arrange birthday celebrations for Dorothy and Dee. Happy Birthday Dorothy! Parabens Feliz Aniversario Dee! 

Thank you to our fantastic team for organising and making the food that gave so much enjoyment to the residents and their relatives. We will be holding more events as the weather improves and will be putting up a calendar of events on the website for everyone to look forward to - and welcome any suggestions too! 
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