COVID-19 Hub Outbreak


Keeping Our Residents Safe

Palm Court is currently closed to visitors following a Covid-19 outbreak

To protect our residents and staff, Palm Court is closed to all non-essential visit while we manage the outbreak and carry out Covid testing. 
                             From Monday 17th October, we will be facilitating indoor visits with residents who have tested negative.  
                Please review our Visitor Protocol during an Outbreak ahead of your visit.  
                                                                                            Thank you for your co-operation and support.                                                                                                      

Covid Information for Visitors and Staff during an outbreak

Key information if you may have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. 

We kindly ask you to monitor your health, looking out for any symptoms such as cough or fever, loss of smell or taste.

What symptoms should I be concerned about?

You should look for any of the following symptoms:
• new continuous cough
• fever (a temperature of 37.8°C or higher)
• loss of smell or taste
• shortness of breath
• feeling tired or exhausted
• an aching body
• a headache
• a sore throat
• a blocked or runny nose
• loss of appetite
• diarrhoea
• feeling sick or being sick

If you develop these symptoms, however mild, at any point:
Stay at home from when your symptoms have started and refer to the guidance at

If you are Staff – you must follow guidance for social care staff. symptoms-of-a-respiratory-infection

If you need to seek medical advice
Seek prompt medical attention if your illness is worsening
• For non-urgent medical queries, contact NHS 111 online:
• If you have no internet access, you should call NHS 111
• If it is an emergency and you need to call an ambulance, dial 999 and inform the call handler or operator that you have been in close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19)

UK Government COVID-19 Guidance

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has announced changes for testing for COVID-19 for care settings from 31st August 2022.  

The key changes to testing in adult social care are:

• Pausing twice weekly asymptomatic lateral flow (LFD) testing for staff in care homes, extra care and supported living services, homecare organisations and day care centres, as well as personal assistants, social workers, Shared Lives carers and CQC inspectors.
• Pausing asymptomatic lateral flow (LFD) testing for visitors and visiting professionals providing personal care to care home residents.
This change only applies to routine asymptomatic testing, and the DHSC will continue to keep this under review to make sure their response remains effective and proportionate. In doing so, they will continue to monitor prevalence and other factors that will determine whether further asymptomatic testing is needed.
In the meantime, the following free testing will continue throughout the year:
• Symptomatic testing with two LFDs taken 48 hours apart available for:
- Care home and extra care and supported living residents.
- Staff in care homes, extra care and supported living settings, day care centres, domiciliary care.
- Personal assistants, social workers,
- Shared Lives workers and CQC inspectors.

• Testing of residents admitted to care homes from the community or being discharged from hospital.

• Testing of staff and care home residents following a positive COVID-19 test to allow staff to return to work earlier and to minimise restrictions on resident wellbeing. Individuals will continue to be able to test from day five, returning to work or ending isolation early after two consecutive negative tests taken 24 hours apart.

• Testing to manage outbreaks in care homes, and daily rapid response LFD testing for five days in the event of a single positive case in care homes and high-risk extra care and support living settings.

It remains important that staff, service users and visitors continue to follow ongoing guidance on infection, prevention, and control. This, alongside other important measures such as symptomatic testing, outbreak response, vaccines and antiviral drugs will continue to protect the most vulnerable, whilst avoiding staff having to test regularly when it is not necessary or proportionate.

All visitors to Palm Court must wash or sanitise their hands on arrival with sanitiser provided by the home, and to wear a face mask throughout their visit. It remains important that staff, service users and visitors to follow ongoing guidance on infection, prevention, and control. 

We thank you for your continued support and co-operation.  


Infection Prevention & Control (IPC)

Palm Court has a designated Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) Lead and an IPC Champion to ensure that our IPC measures continue to be effective and that staff maintain their Infection Control e-learning training and work in line with UK Government COVID-19 Guidelines and closely liaise with East Sussex County Council. 

The Deputy Manager, who is the IPC Lead, carries out an Infection Control Audit every month as part of the monthly compliance checks. IPC cleaning schedules are in place and checked, including a cleaning schedule for high-frequency touch areas throughout the home. 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

All staff at Palm Court are following current national guidelines on wearing PPE. Staff have regular hand washing competency checks and frequent hand washing and hand sanitising are encouraged in the home as well as before and after assisting residents.

Admissions Protocol 

To safeguard our residents, any new admissions are accepted only after confirmation of a Negative PCR test result. 

Daily Activities 

Cognitive stimulation and person-centred activities are an integral part of the quality of care we give here at Palm Court and that doesn't stop due to the pandemic whether it is in a one-to-one or group setting.

Our Well-Being Co-Ordinator wears a face mask during activities, washing hands and using hand sanitiser in between activities with different residents.
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