Quality Promise

Palm Court Quality Promise

Our Quality Promise to You

Palm Court promises the care your loved one receives will be delivered with Honesty, Integrity and Courtesy, with the mission of enhancing their quality of life in a safe, caring and loving environment.

We are dedicated to delivering the best quality of care that is consistent and responsive to the changing needs of every member of our Well-Being Community. Our continuous drive for improvement ensures that we keep the momentum going, always aiming higher and asking ourselves:  "How can we do this more efficiently and effectively? How can we best monitor the well-being of each resident?"

The mindset in which we operate at all levels of the business is built around focusing on the quality of life no matter the resident's condition or as we like to call it - The Well-Being Factor.  We want to help each resident by promoting independence and individuality, incorporating their personal preferences and passions into their daily experiences at Palm Court. 

Our values-based approach to staff recruitment is an integral part to a work culture that is committed to creating a sense of community and security. This is reinforced by the individual quality promises we asked our staff to make to the Home and the residents they look after to help form The Palm Court Quality Promise. We are proud that our staff share the same values which is evident in their team spirit and hard work they do every day. 

What You Can Expect

Resident Care

Ensure all residents are called by their name or preferred nickname

Welcome new residents and meet with the Nurse on Duty who will carry out clinical assessments on admission

Inform relatives that their loved ones have arrived safely and give an update on how they are settling in

Contact relatives and give regular updates about progress and current condition

Respect the rooms and property of our residents and seek consent before (re)moving furniture

Clinical Excellence

Complete care plans for new residents within two weeks of their arrival

Put in place a short-term care plan for any concerns involving nutrition, weight, skin damage, infections and confusional states

Work closely with local specialists such as a Dietician, Diabetes Nurse (DN), Tissue Viability Nurse (TVN) and Catheter Nurse (CN)

Monitor behaviour (Behaviour charts), depression (Cornell Scale) and pain (Abbey Pain Scale) as recommended by NICE for all residents

Invite relatives and resident to review their care plan every three months or when their condition changes

Regulatory & Compliance

Ensure the Home is compliant and meets CQC Regulations

Ensure all staff understand and implement CQC Fundamental Standards

Discuss with staff and implement one CQC Regulation/Compliance per week to raise awareness and to stay compliant

Audit the Home once a month and make recommendation for compliance


Promote independence and dignity by seating residents at set dining tables

Give residents at least two choices of food menu and drinks

Present food in an appetising manner and serve residents with dignity

Offer residents the opportunity for second helpings

Facilities & Maintenance

Ensure the Manager briefs the Maintenance officer daily and records all issues to be seen to in a Maintenance Book

Ensure the Maintenance officer will make Palm Court as safe and as comfortable as possible

Engage residents in meaningful person-centred activities related to their passions and interests

Ensure our Well-Being Co-Ordinator and Activities Co-Ordinator keep residents' bodies and minds active to enhance their quality of life

Human Resources & Training

Screen all employed staff for safety and criminal records

Ensure all staff complete an induction period of three months followed by an Induction Competency Assessment

Ensure all staff follow Palm Court Policies and Procedures managed by QCS - Quality Compliance System, accessed via the QCS app

Ensure all staff  complete at least 80% of allocated E-Learning within 4 weeks of employment

The Palm Court Quality Promise is built on strong foundations to include not just the finer, thoughtful details but also executing the basics. 

In all aspects of our service, we promise to:

Resident Care:

Ensure all residents are called by their name or preferred nickname

Welcome new residents and meet with the Nurse on Duty who will carry out clinical assessments on admission

Inform relatives that their loved ones have arrived safely and give an update on how they are settling in

Contact relatives and give regular updates about progress and current condition

Respect the rooms and property of our residents and seek consent before (re)moving furniture

Clinical Excellence

Complete care plans for new residents within two weeks of their arrival

Put in place a short-term care plan for any concerns involving nutrition, weight, skin damage, infections and confusional states

Work closely with local specialists to closely monitor residents' conditions such as a Dietician, Diabetes Nurse (DN), Tissue Viability Nurse (TVN) and Catheter Nurse (CN)

Monitor behaviour (Behaviour charts), depression (Cornell Scale) and pain (Abbey Pain Scale) as recommended by NICE for all residents

Invite relatives and resident to review their care plan every three months or when their condition changes

Regulatory & Compliance

Ensure the Home is compliant and meets CQC Regulations

Ensure all staff understand and implement CQC Fundamental Standards

Discuss with staff and implement one CQC Regulation/Compliance per week to raise awareness and to stay compliant

Audit the Home once a month and make recommendation for compliance



Promote independence and dignity by seating residents at set dining tables

Give residents at least two choices of food menu and drinks

Present food in an appetising manner and serve residents with dignity

Offer residents the opportunity for second helpings


Facilities & Maintenance

Ensure the Manager briefs the Maintenance officer daily and records all issues to be seen to in a Maintenance Book

Ensure the Maintenance officer will make Palm Court as safe and as comfortable as possible

Engage each resident in meaningful person-centred activities related to their passions and interests and to keep their bodies and minds active to enhance their quality of life

Human Resources & Training

Screen all employed staff for safety and criminal records

Ensure all staff will have an induction period of three months followed by an Induction Competency Assessment before they are issued with a Contract of Employment

Ensure all staff follow Palm Court Policies and Procedures managed by QCS - Quality Compliance System, which can be accessed via the QCS app.

Ensure all staff  complete at least 80% of allocated E-Learning within 4 weeks of employment

Quality Assurance

We have an Open Door policy to help us understand what we are doing well and where we can improved. We seek feedback and suggestions from staff, doctors, visiting healthcare professionals, the residents themselves and once a year, we send out our annual survey to relatives. Here at Palm Court, we always look to improve quality and performance in all areas of the home. Every month, the Registered Manager audits standards in:

- Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)

- Resident Care

- Clinical Operations

- Regulatory and Compliance

- Dining

- Facilities & Maintenance

- Staff Training and Development

In addition to the monthly audits, the Registered Manager have a weekly COVID-19 weekly call with the Provider giving an update on COVID test results for staff and residents and discuss any new guidance that we need to react to and put measures in place. We also have IPC staff meetings and 15-minute Daily Huddles led by the Manager and the Nurses to talk about one subject with the care team. 

Read more about how we are Keeping Palm Court Safe during the pandemic.

Quality Improvement Group

As part of our Quality Improvement Strategy, we have a Quality Improvement Group that meets once a month to discuss key areas that need improvement or further analysis.

In this context, quality improvement is not the same as 'improving quality'.  Quality improvement, according to the Care Quality Commission, is "the use of a systematic method to involve those closest to the quality issue in discovering solutions to a complex problem" that engages people - staff, healthcare professionals, residents and relatives to identify and test ideas, and see if changes made have led to improvement. 

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